Thursday, June 23, 2005


I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I have the best bed in the entire world. Yes, I do. Instead of sleeping on the flight home, I spent the entire time talking and listening to this woman in her late 70's sitting next to me who has got to be to be one of the coolest people I have ever met. And I didn't take her picture, because my camera was in my laptop case in the overhead bin instead of in my purse.
So there will be no pictures with this post. Ideally, I should have a shot of my clean room with my 1,000 thread count sheets on the bed to bring things full circle from the first post with a picture of my room with clothes everywhere and the bed stripped because I was doing laundry, but I'm just too tired to take a picture, download it to photobucket, and then insert the html tag. Tooooooo tired.
I am satisfied. I am happy. I spent my last few hours in Reykjavik writing postcards in Cafe Paris and then staring out the airport bus window at the continually amazing scenery all the way to Keflavik.
When I got home, I had a voicemail message waiting for me with a gig, an email requesting an interview, and a letter from the SF Department of Parking and Traffic informing me I had overpaid them for parking tickets and am entitled to a refund. Plus happy, jumping up and down roommates. Who are very, very afraid of all my dried fish. HA. Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! So really, I feel like San Francisco has welcomed me back in every possible way. It was good to be away, and it's good to be home. The best of all possible worlds -- excuse me while I tend my garden, Pangloss. Well, my window box. I think the jasmine waited for me to come back, I thought for sure it would have bloomed and died while I was away, but it looks like all the big sprays on it will open tomorrow.
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OK, I lied about the pictures. So ends the Iceland blog. I hope you all enjoyed reading it and looking at the pictures as much as I enjoyed writing it and taking photos, but I don't think that would even be possible. There was actually so much more, that I couldn't even begin to fit in here, photos and stories both. But it was really fun choosing which stories to tell. I'll tell you one thing though -- I saved some of the best of them for telling over drinks with hand gestures and funny voices. Cheers to all, and to all a good night!
Love, Pacey
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello ms. C - welcome home - hope we meet again sometime....ciao Halla from ICE

7:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lester -- I'm putting on my sandwich boards to go raise money to send you on further travels -- your blog is TOO much fun to do without! Gramma Monie came in to check it out, too, and loved it. Hope to hear some of those stories over drinks, complete with hand gestures, sometime soon. XXXOOO
Aunt S in LV

5:12 PM


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